Earlier that day, a plot in Chaoyang district was sold for4.08 billion yuan to another real-estate developer, Sino-Ocean, China Daily said, quoting the Beijing Land Coordination and Reserve Center. 《中国日报》援引北京市土地储备中心的话报导说,当日早些时候,朝阳区的一块土地以人民币40.8亿元的总价拍给另外一家房地产开发商远洋地产。
Land lots reserved by specialized land reserve organs approved by the Municipal Land Reserve Center and the Municipal People's Government; 市土地储备中心和市政府批准的土地储备专门机构实施储备的地块;
The Municipal Common Reserve Funds Center shall publish annual plans for the use of common reserve funds and the implementation of such plans. 市公积金中心应当每年向社会公布公积金贷款的资金使用计划及其执行情况。
A written contract for the commission shall be signed between the Municipal Common Reserve Funds Center and the commissioned bank. 市公积金中心委托办理公积金贷款,应当与受托银行签订书面委托合同。
Land reclaimed from mudflats, upon passing the acceptance test, shall be reserved by the Municipal Land Reserve Center. 滩涂围垦成陆并经验收合格的土地,由市土地储备中心实施储备。
Sanford Markowitz, Ingalls Professor of Cancer Genetics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and Investigator in The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Case Medical Center. 他是凯斯西储大学医学院肿瘤遗传学部教授,同时也是凯斯医学中心HowardHughes医学研究所的研究人员。
In the image in question, Yao Ming appears with China team-mates Guo Shiqiang and Menk Bateer, who is a reserve center with the San Antonio Spurs. 图像中显示有他的国家队队友郭士强和效力于马刺队的中锋巴特尔。
OBJECTIVE To observe the interior contamination of reserve suction bottles used as the terminal apparatus of medical suction center and identify the prevailing bacteria related to the contamination. 目的了解医院中心医用吸引设备终端吸引器瓶盖内侧细菌污染情况,并检测与污染密切相关的细菌类型。
The ebinur lake wetland natural reserve district is located the northwest arid area in china and in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, is the lowest depression and water-salt collecting center in the west Junggar Basin. 艾比湖湿地自然保护区位于我国西北干旱区,新疆维吾尔自治区境内,是准噶尔盆地西部最低洼地和水盐汇集中心。
The government should set property rights in law in order to lay a good foundation for market mechanisms, establish urban land reserve system and improve urban land reserve center functions to compensate for the shortcomings of market mechanisms. 政府用法律的形式将产权确定下来,为市场机制运行打好基础;为了弥补市场机制的缺陷,政府应该建立城市土地储备制度,完善城市土地储备中心的职能;
In working reality, stock-space's allocation is important problem in the warehouse's keeping and reserve management of the distribution center, about which we are very concerned. 在实际运行中,储位分配是配送中心仓储管理的一个引人关注的重要问题。
The land reserve center should have more influence by developing potential, innovating audaciously, practicing carefully, and summarizing experience. 通过大胆创新与小心实践,在工作中总结经验,让土地储备工作发挥更大的作用。